Unionly Online Fundraising

Easily accept donations online

Unionly provides a simple, secure and effective way for your organization to raise money online. Fundraising-steps_2

  • Unionly

    LODD/Member Support

    In a time of quick action, set up a fundraiser to support your members. See Example >
  • Unionly

    Booster Program

    Empower your strongest supporters to increase Booster membership. See Example >
  • Unionly

    PAC Fund Donations

    Pool contributions from members and donors for political campaigns of any size.
    See Example >
  • Unionly

    Charity Events

    Create charity event registrations and sponsorships for your specific event. Ex: golf, corn hole, fishing, lodge dinners, bowling, etc.
    See Example >
  • Unionly

    Memorial Foundation

    Support the means to honor loved ones, pay tribute to those who have departed too soon and provide the community a place to come together. See Example >
  • Unionly

    Raffle Donations

    Create ways to sell digital raffle tickets for a chance to win and support your specific fund at the same time. See Example >

Mobile Optimized
Accept donations from any smartphone, tablet, or mobile device. Every aspect of the Unionly Fundraising Platform is user and mobile-friendly.
Safe & Secure
Includes a free 256-bit SSL certificate. All pages, content, credit card, and transaction information is protected by PCI Level 1 compliance.
Custom page builder
Easily upload images, videos and text. Create custom donation pages to provide a personalized donor experience.
Text-to-Give & QR Codes
Create custom text tags to allow donors to donate via text. Create QR codes that can be added to direct mail pieces, brochures, posters, even t-shirts!
A receipt is automatically sent immediately after each donation is made. Each receipt message can be customized.
Accept all credit cards
Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express can be accepted the minute you go live.
Recurring Donations
Customize recurring donation options. Our system provides you with full control over managing each recurring donation.
Generate reports with a single click. Schedule reports to be sent automatically via email, on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

See how Unionly can be tailored specifically for you


We appreciate Unionly's help setting up online donations for our Awards Event. It worked perfectly and definitely helped encourage sponsorships and ticket sales by making it so easy.

We had a great turnout and a wonderful program, and it looks like we'll make plenty of money to fund our operations and programs in the coming year.

Kathy Black, Treasurer
Philly CLUW


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